HMS Cattistock, HMS Cottesmore and HMS Garth the first British Destroyers to enter Hamburg on 3 July 1945.

HMS Cattistock, L35, Hunt Class Destroyer.

HMS CATTISTOCK (L 35) -  Type I, Hunt-class Escort Destroyer


Badge: On a Field Red, upon a white roundel , a Blue cornflower stalked and leaved Proper.

While in action against an enemy convoy HMS  Cattistock  was attacked by shore batteries off the French coast. Hull plating and superstructure over the starboard side were perforated by direct hits and splinters. The largest concentration of hits occurred from abreast the forward of the 4-inch gun to the bridge. All damage was above the waterline.

Direct hits and splinters caused serious damage to internal equipment and electric leads, radar sets, W/T equipment and aerials, gunnery and fire control circuits and transmitting station were all severely damaged.

The forward 4 inch gun was damaged and there were many casualties amongst gun's crew.

The fighting efficiency was seriously impaired. The forward 4 inch gun was out of action. All other guns were in local control. Type 271 and 291 radar, the director, transmitting station and gyro compass were out of action.

(Captain) Lieutenant  Richard G D Keddie, killed.
Act/Petty Officer, William Quick,  D/J 100419, killed
Act/Petty Officer, William H Stubbs, D/JX 130395, killed.
Able Seaman, Ronald Wright, D/JX 304453, killed.

HMS  Cattistock was out of action for two months, including refit.

Displacement: 1,000 tons.
Length: 278 feet (85 metres)
Beam: 28 feet (8.8 metres)
Draught: 10 feet 9 inches (3.27 metres)
Speed: 27.5 knots (31 MPH, 50.9 km/h)
Range: 3500 nautical miles (6,500 Kilometres) at 15 knots. 1000 nautical miles (1840 Kilometres) at 26 knots.
Power: 3 x water-tube boilers.
Propulsion:  2 x shafts, 2 x Admiralty 3-drum boilers.
Complement: 146 Officers and men.
Torpedo tubes: None.
Guns: 4 × QF 4 in (102 mm) Mk XVI guns. 4 × QF 2 pound (40mm) on Quad mounts. 2 x 20mm Oerlikon Anti-aircraft guns on single mounts. (On the wings). 40 depth charges, 2 throwers, 1 rack.

Additionally, Hunt Class Destroyers engaged on East Coast convoy work, the Type ones and the Type twos were fitted with a single QF 2-pounder "bow chaser" gun for anti-E-boat work.

August 1940: Having completed of trials HMS Cattistock was deployed for patrol and escort duty with the  21st Destroyer flotilla based at Sheerness.

12 Oct. 1940: Detached to escort HMS Erebus 15in gun Monitor during bombardment of invasion barges at Dunkirk. Resumed convoy defence with Flotilla on completion.

10 Nov 1940:  Suffered damage by bomb splinters from a near miss by a bomb dropped by enemy aircraft while attacking convoy.

Royal Navy report. 

Watch these short videos about the Wildfire Destroyers.
The Channel Dash:
Sheerness Destroyers at D-day:

Cattistock, on the left, in Hamburg.

 Ginge (William) Stubbs who was killed in action on HMS Cattistock. Photograph and information by kind permission of Jon Stubbs .

17 March 1941.  De Carteret, Desmond, Act/Petty Officer, D/JX 138885, killed

16-22 May 1941: Escorted minelayers HMS Teviot, HMS Coastal and HMS Plover and Paddle Minesweepers to lay two sections of the East Coast Mine Barrier.

26 July 1941.Together with HMS Quorn and HMS Mendip bombarded enemy emplacements at Dieppe.

11th to 13th February 1942. Anticipating that the German Fleet consisting of the Pocket Battle ships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen together with escorting Destroyers and E-boats and with air cover would attempt to break through the English Channel the 21st Destroyer Flotilla, based at Sheerness and the 16th Destroyer Flotilla, based at Harwich where combined to form two temporary flotillas. 

When the order came to attack the German Battle Fleet the Cattistock like many other Destroyers, Motor Torpedo boats and Bombers were given insufficient notice. By the time the Cattistock raised steam she was too far behind to catch the German armada.

12 April 1942.In action against E-Boats attacking convoy in E-boat Alley.

May 1944.  Detached for duty in Force G Eastern Task Force for the D-day landings (Operation Neptune). Took part in preparative exercises with Force G (Exercise FABIUS)

5 June 1944. Escorted Convoy G1 to Gold Beach. Convoy G1 included the 6th Minesweeping Flotilla, the first Division  of the 150th Minesweeping Flotilla, four Danlayers (they mark the swept channels) four Motor Launches and the 2nd Division of the 55th Motor Torpedo Flotilla.

6TH JUNE 1944, D-DAY. HMS Cattistock with the Convoy arrived at the D-Day beaches at 00.30 hours on the 6th June 1944.

HMS Cattistock gave gunfire support during the assault by British forces on Gold Beach where Allied casualties at Gold Beach are estimated to be about one thousand.

HMS Cattistock, (Lt .G.D. Keddie DSC) together with HMS Cottesmore (Lt. D.W. O’Brien DSC) and HMS Pytchley  (Lt Cdr R. H. Hodgkinson) earned high praise at gold beach in support of the Canadians.

7th June 1944, D-Day + 1 deployed to support landings and to escort the build up convoys.

28th June 1944.Remained in Landing and Channel area for support duties.

July 1944. Continuous patrol in Seine Bay (D-Day Beach Landing area) to intercept E-boats, one-man explosive motor boats and one-man submarines.

7th July 1944.In action with La Combattante against E-Boats attacking shipping lying off D-day beaches. Received slight damage.

31st July 1944. Maintenance at Portsmouth for boiler super-heater re -tubing.

29th Aug 1944. While on patrol with HMS Retalick intercepted enemy shipping carrying out evacuation of Le Havre. Sustained considerable damage including a hit to the Bridge which killed the captain.At least Twenty-six direct hits by direct action fused shells, from 88 mm down to small arms fire.

Royal Navy Report

30th Aug 1944. Returned to Portsmouth for repair.

September and October 1944.  Under repair at Chatham Dockyard.

November 1944. Resumed convoy escort off east coast of England.

2 Feb 1945. In action against midget submarine off Zeebrugge. The Biber type Midget U-boat, which carried two torpedoes, was probably destroyed.

June 1945. Deployed in Nore Command for support of re-occupation operations.

July 1945. The Hunt class destroyers HMS Cattistock, HMS Cottesmore and HMS Garth the first British Destroyers to enter Hamburg on 3 July 1945.

11 March 1941. In action against aircraft attacking convoy and slightly damaged by near misses.

Royal Navy Report.

P.O. William. (Ginge) Stubbs came from Tenby and joined as a boy, following his elder brother George into the Navy. Both became petty officers.

George was always under the impression that William (Ginge) had been a victim of friendly fire. This was probably due to a blue on blue a few days earlier. (Salamander & Hussar had been attacked by the RAF)

George died in 1975 never knowing the truth. Both brothers have memorials in the Seamans chapel in Tenby. William is remembered on Tenby war memorial and is buried in Tenby.

HMS Cattistock, HMS Cottesmore and HMS Garth in Hamburg 3 July 1945.

OFFICERS from Navy List August 1940.
(Rank. Name. Date joined ship.)

Lieutenant, W. B. Whitworth. 29 Mar 40.
Surg. Lieut., J. Macrea, LRCP & S. 16 July 40.
Sub-Lieu., K. Lee-White. 5 July 40.
Gunner, W. J. Yates. 14 June 40.
 Engineer, M.J. L. Randell. 2 Nov 39.

OFFICERS from Navy List June 1942

Lieut. Commmander. R. M. W. MacFarlane. 24 June 41.
Lieutenant, E. M. B. Hoa. 7 Oct 40.
Lieutenant, P. J. Doyle. 28 Aug 41.
Lieutenant, (Temp.) D. Lawrence-Jones. 1 Aug 40.
Surg. Lieut., A. G. E. Pearse, MRCS, LRCP. 19 July 41.
Sub-Lieut., A. C. Richmond. 30 Apr 42.
Sub-Lieut., F. R. Jones. 1 May 42.
Sub-Lieut., S. R. Tattersall. 22 Mar 42.
Engineer M.J.L. Randell. 2 Nov 39.
Gunner. R. G. A. Oak. 12 Nov 40.

OFFICERS from Navy List June 1944.

Lieutenant, R. G. D. Keddie, DSC (In Command)  June 43.
Lieutenant, J. C. Edmondson, DSC. 12 Oct 43.
Lieutenant, F. R. Jones. 1 May 42.
Lieutenant, V. G. Dennis, MBE. 3 May 43.
Surg. Lieut., L. A. H. Willson, MRCS, LRCP. 8 Jan 44.
Sub-Lieut., P. R. M. Hughes-Hallett. 20 Jan 44.
Sub-Lieut., T P. K. Calder. 13 Aug 43.
Sub-Lieut., B. G. Wood. 6 Sept 43.  
Sub-Lieut., J R. G. Homfray. 4 Jan 44.
Temp Mid., V.R. Hunter. 5 May 44. 

HMS Cattistock  was paid off on the 26 March 1946, and broken up in July 1957.

​If you, your father or your grandfather have any additional information about this ship, crew lists, stories, photographs, please send copies of them to be added to our records and this website.

Thank you.


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HMS Cattistock is a World War Two Type 1 HUNT Class Escort Destroyer laid down on 9th June 1939 and launched 22 February 1940. She was adopted by Wareham in Dorset and served in Home waters and at the Normandy Landings.

Named after the Cattistock Hunt, located at  Cattistock village in west Dorset, 8 miles (13 km) northwest of Dorchester. The hunt started at the end of the 18th century by the Rev. W. Philips. The Cattistock Hunt still survives today. Kennel and Stables are owned by Lord Digby and rented to the Hunt along with about 40 acres.